Ready Designs

4 8-bit dragons in a line

MIX11 Keynote Day 2: Scott Guthrie and Joe Belfiore


April 13th, 2011

For my first trick, I’ll be liveblogging Wednesday’s keynote, presented by Scott Guthrie and Joe Belfiore. As this is a live blog, please remember to start reading from the bottom up.

Welcome to MIX11

The keynote video is now posted on Microsoft’s Channel 9:

Thu, Apr 14, 3:27:10pm PST

Sketchflow looks great, but it’s only available as a feature in Expression Blend Ultimate, which is way over my budget. :( #mix11 (Sketchflow Product Page)

Thu, Apr 14, 3:21:46pm PST

Now she’s giving us a quick around-the-block look at Microsoft Expression Blend.

Microsoft Expression Blend Sketchflow

Thu, Apr 14, 3:18:40pm PST

Keep your questions open-ended during user testing.

Thu, Apr 14, 3:18:23pm PST

Pick the top 3 tasks users are going to want (or the 3 you want to test reaction to) and test those. Keeps it simple.

Thu, Apr 14, 3:16:53pm PST

She recommends the book “Remote Research” by Nate Bolt

Thu, Apr 14, 3:16:07pm PST

Best-case testing: Test onsite, try to find super-users, observe and record, and collect data.

Thu, Apr 14, 3:14:41pm PST

Prototypes reveal customer intent/focus, show clear value to the stakeholders, and reduce confusion across the board.

Thu, Apr 14, 3:13:39pm PST

Prototypes are also great for early user testing. #mix11

Thu, Apr 14, 3:13:08pm PST

No demonstration is ever sufficient; only interaction will really convey the value.

Thu, Apr 14, 3:12:32pm PST

Prototyping exposes problems early and reduces rework. It can be your spec doc and the story that sells the value.

Thu, Apr 14, 3:11:46pm PST

Visually understanding what we’re working with helps us understand the whole of complex parts (like genetic sequencing).

Thu, Apr 14, 3:10:20pm PST

Even if you just put up some sketches and blank sticky notes around the office, you can engage your office.

Covert Sticky Note Testing

Covert Office Testing

Thu, Apr 14, 3:08:22pm PST

Prototyping informs and enables all the other steps that can improve the frustrating development process.

Sarah Summers: Prototyping Enables All Steps

Thu, Apr 14, 3:04:32pm PST

Product development can be a frustrating process…

Thu, Apr 14, 3:02:56pm PST

Next up:

“Get Real! Sketch, Prototype & Capture Great Ideas with Expression Blend & Sketchflow” by Sara Summers

MIX11: Get Real! Sketch, Prototype, and Capture Great Ideas

The intro: Julius Shulman is a photographer of much famous architecture (see “Visual Acoustics” video). #mix11

Thu, Apr 14, 2:04:10pm PST

Grid Layout (IE10), the first implementation of a complex layout system. Currently in development and looking for feedback.

CSS3 Grid Layout Code

Thu, Apr 14, 2:00:31pm PST

For more on CSS3 Flex Boxes:

CSS3 Flexbox

Thu, Apr 14, 1:59:48pm PST

Flex box will cause layout elements to fill available space. The spec is still… “flexible”.

Thu, Apr 14, 1:58:31pm PST

display:table, display:table-cell with CSS3 help with layout design.

Thu, Apr 14, 1:56:14pm PST

jQuery and CSS3 can be a great tag team for backward compatibility. JS can also trigger hardware acceleration.

Using jQuery to Make CSS3 Backwards Compatible

Thu, Apr 14, 1:53:48pm PST

Neat example of a slot machine built entirely with CSS3 using gradients, transitions, and animations.

CSS3 Slot Machine Demo

Thu, Apr 14, 1:50:08pm PST

If a browser doesn’t support transitions, users will still see the two states, just not the transitions.

Thu, Apr 14, 1:48:09pm PST

IE10 will support transitions using the -ms- prefix.

Thu, Apr 14, 1:46:57pm PST

Example of animation from the CSS3 talk:

Sample CSS3 Animation

Thu, Apr 14, 1:43:42pm PST

HTML5 input type “email”; older browsers will just default to a plain text field.

Thu, Apr 14, 1:42:43pm PST

Should always have both client and server-side validation.

Thu, Apr 14, 1:40:45pm PST

Client-side form validation without JavaScript using the CSS3 UI Module:

Thu, Apr 14, 1:38:34pm PST

CSS3 slide program:

Thu, Apr 14, 1:37:26pm PST

A CSS tab panel:

Thu, Apr 14, 1:35:28pm PST

CSS came along and simplified the JavaScript versions of dropdown menus.

Thu, Apr 14, 1:34:04pm PST

“Ultimate Dropdown Menu” at is accessible, but very complicated.

Thu, Apr 14, 1:31:55pm PST

Attending @snookca‘s CSS3 session

Thu, Apr 14, 12:51:24pm PST

Wonderful, invigorating lightning session on UX. All the presenters did a great job!

Thu, Apr 14, 12:48:36pm PST

Summary: Identify, deconstruct, expand, randomize, evaluate. #mix11

Farming for Ideas Takeaway

Thu, Apr 14, 12:47:26pm PST

Let the ideas bounce around each other in a random way.

Thu, Apr 14, 12:46:56pm PST

The best ideas don’t come during the brainstorm, they come later after our subconscious has had a chance to process it.

Thu, Apr 14, 12:46:11pm PST

Brainstorming: 1. Needs to be collaborative. 2. Don’t look for solutions, look for insights.

Thu, Apr 14, 12:45:14pm PST

How? 1. Define the idea. 2. “Masticate” the information for full authenticity. 3. Expand our thinking.

Thu, Apr 14, 12:43:58pm PST

As a designer, we want to create a closure for people, to pull it all together into a whole.

Thu, Apr 14, 12:43:13pm PST

Gestalt: As humans we have the ability to perceive things relationally. Like how we process a symphony.

Thu, Apr 14, 12:42:33pm PST

Between ridiculous and logical is intuitive.

Thu, Apr 14, 12:41:04pm PST

“The adjacent possible” are the ideas that can come about from the “spare parts” of existing ideas.

Thu, Apr 14, 12:40:27pm PST

Ideas generate other ideas. “The Adjacent Possible”

Thu, Apr 14, 12:39:48pm PST

Idea: A new combination of old elements.

Thu, Apr 14, 12:39:34pm PST

“Slow Hunch”: ideas are made up little bits coming together.

Unconscious Problem Solving

Thu, Apr 14, 12:39:00pm PST

Next up:

“Farming for Ideas” by @ingebretsen

Robby Ingebretsen at MIX11

Thu, Apr 14, 12:36:42pm PST

The future needs hybrids not be lone rangers, but to be experience architects, and companies should foster them.

Thu, Apr 14, 12:36:05pm PST

It doesn’t *have* to be built on unicorns!

Scary Unicorn Dude

Thu, Apr 14, 12:35:43pm PST

Flip the pyramid with an Experience Architect and collaborative fellowship.

LOTR: Design Team Corrected Pyramid

Thu, Apr 14, 12:35:01pm PST

We have all these roles, but the Integrator solution is an inverted solution that causes strife crushes the integrator.

LOTR: Design Team Inverted Pyramid

Thu, Apr 14, 12:33:58pm PST

Great design is a “fellowship of roles”. Loving the Lord of the Rings analogy here! I’ll post a pic later.

Thu, Apr 14, 12:33:08pm PST

Great design involves solving the right problem both efficiently and with style.

Thu, Apr 14, 12:32:23pm PST

Designers: Visceral first; Developers: Reflective first.

Spectrum of Great Design Requires Designers and Developers

Thu, Apr 14, 12:31:47pm PST

Designers and developers are often like left vs. right brain, but both want the same thing: to ship a great product.

Thu, Apr 14, 12:31:10pm PST

Interesting controversial statement for thought: “If you can’t build it, you have no business designing it.”

Thu, Apr 14, 12:30:00pm PST

“When the game’s on the line, winners want the ball.” Hybrids in our field are fighting the existing status quo.

Thu, Apr 14, 12:28:36pm PST

The research showed us we do not have “one brain”, we have two (left and right) which are at constant odds.

Sorry I Broke Your Brains

Thu, Apr 14, 12:26:59pm PST

Early research in the 60’s showed the value of the right brain.

Thu, Apr 14, 12:24:53pm PST

Next up:

“On Brains, Football and Hobbits” by Rick Barraza

On Brains, Football, and Hobbits

Thu, Apr 14, 12:24:20pm PST

@arturot‘s talk combining neuroscience and UI design was great! #mix11 #lightningux

Thu, Apr 14, 12:23:45pm PST

Our UIs can affect us on an emotional level; we can plan ways to reward ourselves for the things we want to encourage.

Revised Stock Research Program

Example Revised Stock Research Program

Thu, Apr 14, 12:21:57pm PST

The brain learns patterns. Current trading software is training people in all the wrong things.

Mind Controled Rat Experiment

Arturo Toledo the Mouse

Thu, Apr 14, 12:19:56pm PST

Interesting studies showing how we can manipulate ourselves to reduce our fear motivations.

Thu, Apr 14, 12:16:50pm PST

Minesweeper is a great example for fear vs. pleasure motivation.

Thu, Apr 14, 12:15:05pm PST

Alexander Elder did some research showing we are often driven by greed and fear.

Arturo Toledo

Thu, Apr 14, 12:14:34pm PST

Next up:

“Extending the Human DNA with Design” by Arturo Toledo.

Thu, Apr 14, 12:12:45pm PST

Credits for “What Software Design Can Learn from Magic”:
Magic and Software Credits

In The Prestige it is said, “The secret impresses no one; the trick you use it for is everything.” Likewise for us, “The technology you use impresses no one; the experience you create is everything.”

The Secret Impresses No One

Thu, Apr 14, 12:12:33pm PST

Diversion and Distraction. The former is more subtle, the latter is more forceful (like popups).

Diversion and Distraction (The Red Dress)

Thu, Apr 14, 12:11:08pm PST

Monotony and Confusion. The former applies to things like backups; the latter we should eliminate.

Thu, Apr 14, 12:10:08pm PST

Manuever and Ruse place the person in the right position without revealing the true purpose.

Thu, Apr 14, 12:09:13pm PST

Suggestion and Inducement are other key elements.

Suggestion and Inducement

Thu, Apr 14, 12:07:58pm PST

Simulation and Dissimulation are key tools in misdirection; creating the point of focus.

Thu, Apr 14, 12:06:39pm PST

Appeal to the instincts and not the mind, relaxing the spectators.

Appeal to the Instincts

Thu, Apr 14, 12:06:14pm PST

Magicians also understand attention control.

Thu, Apr 14, 12:04:36pm PST

“Showmanship for Magicians” book has 35 elements of showmanship.

Showmanship: Magicians Have It

Thu, Apr 14, 12:03:27pm PST

First up:

“What Software Design Can Learn From Magic”

Magicians “get” design and showmanship.

What Software Can Learn from the World of Magic

Sean Gerety Holding Magic Cards

Thu, Apr 14, 12:02:28pm PST

UX Lightning Talks about to begin. #mix11

Thu, Apr 14, 11:14:29am PST

Fantastic session with Rey Bango. Great blend of broad and specific information, enthusiasm, and further reading.

Thu, Apr 14, 11:10:41am PST

Recommended books on HTML5: Introducing HTML5 by Lawson & Sharp; HTML5 for Web Designers by Keith; CSS3 for Web Designers by Cederholm #mix11

Thu, Apr 14, 11:08:57am PST integrates with Modernizr to test for features and load the scripts needed on the fly. #html5


Thu, Apr 14, 11:08:08am PST

Take Away: Use feature not browser detection; Use Modernizr; Opt for a polyfill or shim that mimics a standard API.

Filling the HTML5 Gap Take-Away

Thu, Apr 14, 11:01:36am PST

HTML5 Graceful Video DegredationCan define the object tag or an iframe (Silverlight or Flash) as a fallback within the video tag for non-modern browsers. (Or if you don’t have the ability to encode your video in multiple codecs, the browser will fall back to the 3rd party.)


Thu, Apr 14, 11:00:28am PST

Fortunately, multiple video codecs can be defined in as fallback options, solving the codec issue.


Thu, Apr 14, 10:59:30am PST

HTML5 video tag is nice and clean, but the video codec debate rages on, leaving different browsers supporting different features.

HTML5 Video Codec Support Chart

Thu, Apr 14, 10:57:43am PST

Third, load up a shim: start by loading up jQuery then load jquery.corner (or whatever feature is missing) to complete the picture.

Thu, Apr 14, 10:55:34am PST

Next, load up a standard reset defining styles for the new HTML5 semantic tags, including defining the proper ones as Block.

Thu, Apr 14, 10:54:48am PST

Solving the HTML5 semantic tag styling issue: load up the Modernizr library to load up the shim that creates the new elements.

Thu, Apr 14, 10:51:33am PST

Sadly, older browsers don’t recognize the new HTML5 semantic tags. :( You can’t style a non-recognized element.

Thu, Apr 14, 10:50:02am PST

HTML tags have no semantic meaning, hence the new HTML5 layout tags.

Thu, Apr 14, 10:49:04am PST

Be sure you vet the code when relying on polyfills or shims; you may also need to maintain it yourself.

Thu, Apr 14, 10:47:22am PST

Big list of polyfills: http://bit.lyb5HV1x (some good, not so good).

Polyfills vs Shims & Frequently Used Polyfills

Thu, Apr 14, 10:46:33am PST

Polyfill: replicates a standards API. Shim: Provides own API.

Thu, Apr 14, 10:45:01am PST

Awesome. We just got treated to the Hamster Dance in a demo.

Hamster Dance at MIX11

Thu, Apr 14, 10:43:15am PST

Modernizr library is good for feature detection support, prevents insanely long code detection blocks.

Modernizr Demo at MIX11

Thu, Apr 14, 10:39:35am PST

Detect for features, not the browsers themselves. Much more reliable, future-proof method.

Benefits of Feature Detection

Thu, Apr 14, 10:36:24am PST

The issue isn’t just older browsers, but also browser fragmentation. Many obscure ones don’t fit in common user-agent-string.

Browser Fragmentation: Obscure Browsers

Thu, Apr 14, 10:34:21am PST

This speaker is amazingly excited about HTML5/CSS3. Love it. #mix11

Thu, Apr 14, 10:32:34am PST

Now at “Filling the HTML5 Gaps with Polyfills and Shims”. He plugged right off.

Script Junkie

Thu, Apr 14, 9:57:27am PST

Groups of 3 or more can work on specs at

Thu, Apr 14, 9:52:49am PST

Future specs they hope to develop further: Speech API, tracking API, WebPerformance.

Thu, Apr 14, 9:49:10am PST

Audio/video capture HTML5 spec looks pretty exciting. I hope it becomes widely supported.

Thu, Apr 14, 9:43:30am PST

Media Capture API Working Draft gives programmatic access to audio, video, and image capture abilities of the device.

Thu, Apr 14, 9:41:22am PST

The File spec lets the browser read and understand files directly, instead of having to upload everything to the server for processing.

Thu, Apr 14, 9:37:18am PST

File API spec in Working Draft stage provides an API for representing file objects in Web apps. List, read, etc.

Thu, Apr 14, 9:36:26am PST

New HTML5 database spec looks interesting.

Thu, Apr 14, 9:32:15am PST

W3C IndexedDB spec submitted by Microsoft and Mozilla to replace Web SQL Database & store large amounts indexed for fast search.

Thu, Apr 14, 9:22:19am PST

Web sockets: enable bi-directional full-duplex communication.

Web Sockets Example

Thu, Apr 14, 9:21:22am PST

HTML5 Labs:

HTML5 Labs

Thu, Apr 14, 9:18:14am PST

Microsoft invented and submitted to the W3C a CSS3 “Grid” spec to help with layout development.

Thu, Apr 14, 9:16:50am PST

IE9 developer starting point:

IE9: More Than Just HTML5

Thu, Apr 14, 9:14:44am PST

Microsoft believes the HTML5 spec is reaching “ready to go” Last Call status in May 2011.

Thu, Apr 14, 9:12:27am PST

Timeline of a specification: 1st Published Working Graph > Working Draft > Last Call > Candidate Recommendation

Thu, Apr 14, 9:10:05am PST

The various working groups produce 100+ specifications.

Thu, Apr 14, 9:09:00am PST

Who’s working on HTML5? The main 3 are W3C, IETF, ECMA International.

Thu, Apr 14, 9:06:33am PST

At “The Future of HTML5” by @gisardo. He’s starting with demos, but I don’t think a single person in the room is actually awake.

Wed, Apr 13, 6:06:06pm PST

He’s found that by exposing himself to all these psychological insights, he’s now able to avert crises better.

Wed, Apr 13, 6:04:32pm PST

Neat Web design poster (but it’s sold out) at Check out the animated deepzoom version here.

Poster: How a Website Is Made (Website Named Desire)

Wed, Apr 13, 6:02:37pm PST

The “Lost Worlds’ Fairs” case study shows that gut feelings can lead to success.

Wed, Apr 13, 5:59:31pm PST

Neat demo site for WOFF:

WOFF Demo - Lost Worlds Fairs: Atlantis

Wed, Apr 13, 5:57:26pm PST

WOFF, “the future of typography for the Web”?

Wed, Apr 13, 5:55:48pm PST

After a great case study, the biggest reason the project failed? He just goofed. Shouldn’t have started the project in the first place.

Wed, Apr 13, 5:48:03pm PST

The Channel 9 logo? No deep meaning whatsoever. It’s because “people love robots”. :D

Channel 9 Logo

Wed, Apr 13, 5:45:12pm PST

Because we’re flawed, we make mistakes all the time, often when we least expect it.

Wed, Apr 13, 5:37:58pm PST

We tend to put data first, but reality shows that intuition should lead us, then we should go after the data.

Wed, Apr 13, 5:35:11pm PST

“The first example of true AI has emulated the most imperfect part of us, according to us: intuition.”

Wed, Apr 13, 5:31:56pm PST

Yay, Watson from Jeopardy is part of the session. :)

Watson Jeopardy

Wed, Apr 13, 5:31:27pm PST

Intuition is very important to design because it draws on the right brain.

Wed, Apr 13, 5:30:59pm PST

Intuition: I know the meaning, I act on it, but I don’t know how I know it. We can’t articulate it because the right brain isn’t verbal.

Wed, Apr 13, 5:28:02pm PST

The alternative to data is intuition, so we tend to excuse a lack of data and rely on insufficient data anyway.

Wed, Apr 13, 5:25:57pm PST

We have a propensity to favor data, even when it’s insufficient. It’s called the “McNamara Fallacy.”

Wed, Apr 13, 5:24:50pm PST

We have to shut up our left brains in order to do certain things, such as drawing.

Wed, Apr 13, 5:23:51pm PST

The left brain is completely inept without the right; the right is actually involved in some high cognitive functions.

Wed, Apr 13, 5:22:16pm PST

The left brain is really “loud” compared to our right, because it’s helped us survive.

Wed, Apr 13, 5:17:10pm PST

Turns out we were totally wrong about the left brain being dominant over — or at least more important than — the right.

Wed, Apr 13, 5:15:55pm PST

Why can’t we draw? Our brains! We’re biased. We consider left hemisphere dominant over right. It’s all over our languages, with left being given the stronger, more positive associations.

Left Brain vs. Right Brain

Wed, Apr 13, 5:13:38pm PST

We have to accept paradoxes in order to depict realism. “To draw a square cube, you have to draw unsquare squares.”

Wed, Apr 13, 5:11:29pm PST

As we grow, we start building symbols in our minds. We go from scribbles, to symbols, to stories, to realism.

Wed, Apr 13, 5:09:05pm PST

YAY! There will be puppies again this year; and this year there will be captions, too.

Cat and Dog Feel Sorry for People

Wed, Apr 13, 5:07:22pm PST

We as people are flawed in 3 fundamental ways: how we perceive the world, how we build, and how we solve problems.

Wed, Apr 13, 5:04:58pm PST

“Why do we suck at consistently building great software?” Usually, we blame Process, Product, or People.

Reasons We Fail

Wed, Apr 13, 5:02:48pm PST

Starting “Back to Square One” by @rainypixels #sqr1 #mix11

Nishant Kothary

Wed, Apr 13, 4:13:39pm PST

Prototyping motion can help sell a concept and also give a reference for timing and transitions later on.

Wed, Apr 13, 4:08:32pm PST

Static comps aren’t enough when you’re trying to prototype motion.

Wed, Apr 13, 4:05:52pm PST

Motion should not be an afterthought; it needs to be a part of the whole process.

Wed, Apr 13, 4:05:13pm PST

Graphics and animations are key to alert users to “behind the scenes” events.

Wed, Apr 13, 4:03:06pm PST

Next up: “Prototyping Interfaces with Motion Graphics”.

Wed, Apr 13, 4:02:18pm PST

For more info:

Wed, Apr 13, 4:01:36pm PST

Relevance and appropriateness are key in UX design.

Wed, Apr 13, 4:00:10pm PST

How you fail and recover from failure is at least as important as creating a “perfect” experience – because it never will be.

Wed, Apr 13, 3:58:15pm PST

Interesting demo of a UX experiment of floor pads responding to touch to produce light and sound.

Phidgets Floor Sequencer Diagram


Wed, Apr 13, 3:53:32pm PST

Background: Phidgets specializes in augmented reality. Today’s focus: life-sized step sequencer.

Phidgets Floor Sensor UI Experiment

Wed, Apr 13, 3:52:12pm PST

Next up: “Phidgets & Real-Time Sensor Data Visualization”.

Wed, Apr 13, 3:51:34pm PST

Conceptual design = deliverables by any means necessary. (Interpretive dance!)

Wed, Apr 13, 3:50:49pm PST

Step 3: Hybridize and bastardize.

Wed, Apr 13, 3:49:36pm PST

Step 2: Rip it off. Do what other industries are doing (like storyboards).

Wed, Apr 13, 3:48:44pm PST

Step 1: Design without computers! Tools influence where you go and also slow you down.

Wed, Apr 13, 3:47:55pm PST

Game design is another good example. Paintings (vs. fully rigged 3d models), storyboarding, design frames, physical 3d models.

Wed, Apr 13, 3:46:58pm PST

Product design uses foam mockups, agile sketch development.

Wed, Apr 13, 3:45:57pm PST

Start with loose concepts on pen and paper as in architecture.

Wed, Apr 13, 3:45:20pm PST

“Chart the narrative arc of emotions of users” the way writers do.

Wed, Apr 13, 3:44:35pm PST

Traditions and habits are either too deep, too polished, or just hard to present in a compelling way.

Wed, Apr 13, 3:43:27pm PST

Conceptual design = speed over fidelity, making design principles visible, design leadership.

Wed, Apr 13, 3:42:45pm PST

Next up, “Conceptual Design: Tactics & Techniques”

Wed, Apr 13, 3:40:42pm PST

As a UX ninja, we should be there when we’re needed, but “we were never there”, we don’t show, our work shows.

Wed, Apr 13, 3:40:09pm PST

Can’t make what we want; have to make what the *user* wants.

Wed, Apr 13, 3:39:02pm PST

Technical errors should be re-written as user-friendly and clear, maybe even humorous.

Wed, Apr 13, 3:37:16pm PST

Put a grid on it! Consistency of layout builds trust.

Wed, Apr 13, 3:36:39pm PST

Southwest vs United for good comparative design, strong design.

Wed, Apr 13, 3:35:41pm PST

“I made a spinning tiger progress bar!” Always make it time-based.

Spinning Tiger Progress Bar

Wed, Apr 13, 3:33:57pm PST

Yikes, first speaker is ultra-nervous. This is why I don’t do conference talks. (Well, and I’ve never been asked; beside the point :P )

Wed, Apr 13, 3:32:45pm PST

First mini-session, “10 Minute UX Ninja”. “A tradition of death to crappy UX.”

Wed, Apr 13, 3:29:43pm PST

The room is really filling up. Wondering if there will be a seat left in the room when it starts. #mix11

MIX11 Lightning UX Session Packed AudienceMIX11 Lightning UX Session Packed Audience

Wed, Apr 13, 3:03:32pm PST

His site:

Wed, Apr 13, 3:03:04pm PST

He recommends looking into custom video players that have already been developed.

After a quick search, here are three lists of HTML5 players I found online:

Wed, Apr 13, 3:00:58pm PST

No native full screen support, so videofullscreen.js is one approach to use until HTML5 catches up. [Note: I can’t find what he was referring to.]

Wed, Apr 13, 2:59:34pm PST

Native browser control looks and behaves differently depending on the browser; can create your own player controls for consistency with JS.

Custom Skinnable HTML5 Players

Wed, Apr 13, 2:58:00pm PST

Working against video elements, some browsers won’t clip the video using just CSS. In other words, depending on your styling, you could end up with a square video over a trapezoidal dropshadow.

Wed, Apr 13, 2:56:40pm PST

Using Canvas & CSS, you can cut up a video and display it across various parts of the site, for illusion of multiple videos in sync.

Drawing HTML5 Video with Canvas

Wed, Apr 13, 2:54:04pm PST

Be sure to tweak the settings when you encode. For example, B-frames = the more you have, the smaller the file size.

Wed, Apr 13, 2:51:21pm PST

There are encoding settings to reduce video corruption. For H.264, any machine able to decode in the Main profile can do High profile, so it’s best to just ignore “Main” altogether.

H.264 Encoding Profiles

Wed, Apr 13, 2:48:58pm PST

IIS lets users scan ahead in HTML5 video whether the content has been downloaded or not.

Wed, Apr 13, 2:46:44pm PST

In IIS, you need to add the mime type for mp4 for the video to display properly.

Wed, Apr 13, 2:45:19pm PST

Demo for the HTML5 A/V talk:

Demo: HTML5 Video

Sample HTML5 Video Markup

Wed, Apr 13, 2:44:38pm PST

He suggests Azure web storage for hosting HTML5 videos.

Wed, Apr 13, 2:43:33pm PST

He suggests and for cloud video and audio encoding, respectively.

Online Video Encoding Website

Wed, Apr 13, 2:40:27pm PST

You need more than one codec and container & more than one resolution to serve HTML5  audio and video across browsers.

Audio/Video Codec Browser Support Chart

Wed, Apr 13, 2:37:48pm PST

HTML5 video spec has no fullscreen, no rights-management, no live or adaptive streaming within the HTML5 spec.

Wed, Apr 13, 2:36:58pm PST

Next up: Using HTML5 video and audio elements #mix11

Wed, Apr 13, 2:26:35pm PST

Media Queries “enthusiast site”:

Media Enthusiast Website

Wed, Apr 13, 2:25:55pm PST

He highly recommends the book, by Zoe M. Gillenwater.

Stunning CSS3 by Zoe Mickley Gillenwater

Wed, Apr 13, 2:24:41pm PST

Search “Hardboiled CSS3 Media Queries” for some pre-built creative commons CSS3 media queries.

Wed, Apr 13, 2:23:09pm PST

Remember to restyle the text properly when resizing for various device sizes.

Wed, Apr 13, 2:22:28pm PST

Wouter van der Graff wrote “css3-mediaqueries-js” tool that handles some behind the scenes stuff for you.

Wed, Apr 13, 2:21:13pm PST

CSS3 Media Queries in Action

Add to the previous: content=”width=device-width, maximum-scale=1.0″ prevents auto-scaling that breaks media size queries. #mix11 #css3

Wed, Apr 13, 2:19:49pm PST

Device-width vs. browser width: “Devices lie!” Viewport meta tag helps with this. name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width”

Wed, Apr 13, 2:15:20pm PST

Media queries are best placed at the bottom of the stylesheet due to the cascading nature of CSS.

Wed, Apr 13, 2:14:50pm PST

Another example of #CSS3 media queries:

Little Pea CSS3 Columns

Wed, Apr 13, 2:14:18pm PST

F12 for IE9 opens up dev tools.

Wed, Apr 13, 2:11:43pm PST

Media rules can be declared using import rules, link elements, or in the stylesheet (usually the latter is best).

Wed, Apr 13, 2:10:52pm PST

3 basic parts make up a CSS3 media query: Media rule, media type, and media feature.

Anatomy of a CSS3 Media Query

Wed, Apr 13, 2:09:20pm PST

“Responsive Design” is getting bigger because the Web has spread to so many formats and devices.

Wed, Apr 13, 2:08:00pm PST

Another example of successful #CSS3 media queries reorganizing layout & content:

Sasquatch Festival CSS3 Media Queries Columns Example

Wed, Apr 13, 2:06:31pm PST

Example of #CSS3 media queries used for reorganizing columns at

CSS3 Media Queries Columns Example

Wed, Apr 13, 2:04:23pm PST

Now attending @tommylee’s CSS3 Media Queries talk. #mix11

Wed, Apr 13, 12:26:12pm PST

No clear winner between SVG and Canvas for interactive charts/graphs and 2d gaming.

Wed, Apr 13, 12:25:20pm PST

Canvas: Screen capture, video manipulation, complex scenes, web ads. SVG: Static images, hi-fi documents

When to Use Canvas vs SVG

Wed, Apr 13, 12:21:28pm PST

SVG remembers what was drawn last, unlike Canvas. Shape vs pixel based, CSS vs Script only.

Wed, Apr 13, 12:19:25pm PST

Now discussing when to use Canvas vs. SVG — some vectors are easier to draw in one or the other. They can complement each other.

SVG vs Canvas: High Level Differences

Wed, Apr 13, 12:17:50pm PST

Most monitors display at 60Hz or 16.7ms periods, so making a graphics timer faster than this results in choppy frames.

Wed, Apr 13, 12:16:04pm PST

Also, avoid setting attributes unnecessarily and avoid multiple small DOM calls

Wed, Apr 13, 12:15:26pm PST

More best practice: 1) Avoid setting a geometric clip, rotation, or skew when calling clearRect()

Wed, Apr 13, 12:14:08pm PST

Don’t set dimensions every frame, instead use clearRect() to clear it.

Wed, Apr 13, 12:12:05pm PST

Make fewer calls to video memory by committing once instead of after every change, & cache the in a JS object.

Wed, Apr 13, 12:10:57pm PST

GPU processing power has been growing faster than CPU; most browsers don’t make use of it for hardware excelleration; IE9 does.

Wed, Apr 13, 12:09:15pm PST

In IE9, HTML5 Canvas is only supported in Standards Mode.

Wed, Apr 13, 12:08:26pm PST

Always use a doctype. (Does this really need to be said?)

Wed, Apr 13, 12:07:39pm PST

HTML5 Canvas Best Practices: Do Canvas feature detection. Don’t do browser detection. Don’t use conditional elements.

Wed, Apr 13, 12:05:08pm PST

If your browser doesn’t support Canvas, the Fallback content is displayed. The Fallback can also speak to Accessibility tools.

Wed, Apr 13, 12:03:40pm PST

Fallback Content Focus (“Shadow DOM”), embeded Canvas content can be keyboard-focusable by accessibility tools.

Wed, Apr 13, 12:02:33pm PST

Accessibility: Important as a global citizen, but may also be US law soon.

Wed, Apr 13, 12:01:11pm PST

You can’t save the state of the canvas when using cross-domain stuff, for security reasons.

Wed, Apr 13, 11:58:16am PST

Security Model: HTML5 Canvas has built-in security.

Wed, Apr 13, 11:57:07am PST

For HTML5 Canvas interoperability tests:

Wed, Apr 13, 11:55:42am PST

Interoperability: There’s a high level of support for HTML5 Canvas across all modern browsers, yay!

HTML5 Canvas Interoperability Chart

Wed, Apr 13, 11:54:21am PST

All HTML5 Canvas attributes are global, affecting all operations drawn next, so you wrap functions in a save & restore.

Wed, Apr 13, 11:53:25am PST

Webkit won’t erase what was previously drawn. source-in, source-out, destination-in, destination-atop, copy.

Wed, Apr 13, 11:51:14am PST

Tip #2: FF, Opera, and IE implement the drawing model according to spec, but Safari and Chrome implement it slightly differently.

Wed, Apr 13, 11:48:39am PST

You draw a source and a destination image, and can then use operations to control how they are displayed.

Wed, Apr 13, 11:46:35am PST

Shadows, clipping, and composition are more expensive operations requiring additional intermediates.

Wed, Apr 13, 11:45:41am PST

Each effect – shadows, transparencies, etc – are new Intermediates that are composited onto the canvas.

Wed, Apr 13, 11:43:17am PST

Drawing model: specifies the order and steps a browser takes as it draws on the canvas.

Wed, Apr 13, 11:41:31am PST

It seems weird to see IE pushing cutting edge stuff after so many years of IE6.

Wed, Apr 13, 11:40:08am PST

Another good link for HTML5 demos:

Wed, Apr 13, 11:37:49am PST

Another neat HTML5 Canvas demo at

Wed, Apr 13, 11:36:32am PST

Neat demo of HTML5 Canvas and audio/video at

Wed, Apr 13, 11:34:37am PST

“Canvas is stupid”, it doesn’t remember what you last drew, so you have to draw over in order to erase.

Wed, Apr 13, 11:33:54am PST

The entire HTML5 Canvas API fits on one slide. Nice.

Wed, Apr 13, 11:33:06am PST

About to start learning to use HTML5 Canvas. What is canvas, when do you use it, and, of course, how do you use it?

What Is HTML5?

Wed, Apr 13, 11:06:23am PST

Every attendee is getting a Kinect! How cool is that! Too bad 360 the one console I don’t own, lol. #mix11 #keynote

Wed, Apr 13, 11:05:16am PST

Ahh, the awkward poses Kinect can get people into… (@lfoy & @scottgu)

Awkward Kinect Photo

Wed, Apr 13, 11:02:58am PST

Wow, that getup can act as the eyes for the visually impaired, giving spoken directions based on markers.

Wed, Apr 13, 11:01:22am PST

OMG, all I can think looking at that backpack laptop is “don’t cross the beams!!”

Kinect Backpack

Wed, Apr 13, 10:59:39am PST

“Navigation for people with visual impairment” sounds great — and you can’t argue with that awesome hat.

Navigation for Visually Impaired with Kinect

Wed, Apr 13, 10:58:44am PST

Preview at and the Kinect Lounge here at #mix11

Wed, Apr 13, 10:56:29am PST

Worldwide Telescope lets you navigate the universe with gestures. WANT.

Worldwide Telescope Kinect

Wed, Apr 13, 10:53:52am PST

Haha, reclining with a gesture. I love it! XD

Wed, Apr 13, 10:53:05am PST

A “Kinect Drivable Lounge Chair” demoing the Kinect for Windows SDK, driven my hand motions. Silly and cool!

Kinect Drivable Lounge Chair

Wed, Apr 13, 10:48:53am PST

Kinect for Windows SDK starting out as non-commercial, but they promise a commercial license will be forthcoming.

Wed, Apr 13, 10:46:06am PST

Kinect for Windows SDK available later this spring at Can develop in VB, C# and C++

Wed, Apr 13, 10:45:05am PST

Time for Xbox 360 Kinect, “the fastest selling electronics device ever”. Really?

Wed, Apr 13, 10:44:04am PST

Silverlight 5 Beta now available for download.

Wed, Apr 13, 10:43:17am PST

Impressive, smooth 3D in Silverlight 5.

Wed, Apr 13, 10:39:08am PST

Silverlight 3D mapping is just making me think of Spore and The Sims.

Wed, Apr 13, 10:36:04am PST

New site will be live later today.

Wed, Apr 13, 10:34:37am PST

Blue Angel site also incorporates Silverlight to click through camera angles, delivered over IS Smooth Streaming.

Wed, Apr 13, 10:32:23am PST

Blue Angel website’s mission is to inspire and educate people on the Navy and Marine Corps. Home page uses video, audio, & canvas tags.

Wed, Apr 13, 10:28:49am PST

US Navy Blue Angles have a flashy intro video for their demo that looks more like a recruiting vid… At least it’s shiny.

Wed, Apr 13, 10:27:33am PST

Media “Trickplay” lets you speed up video without distorting the voices.

Wed, Apr 13, 10:25:05am PST

Gotta love accidental zooming into parts of the demo 3d man as he’s demonstrating how the API lets him “touch” him. XD

Wed, Apr 13, 10:22:28am PST

Can build apps using Sliverlight & XMA at the same time.

Wed, Apr 13, 10:20:17am PST

With Mango, apps can directly access content from the camera. Demoing from USAA (best bank ever!)

Wed, Apr 13, 10:16:10am PST

Mike Roberts of Kik Interactive demoing a cross-platform chat app.

Wed, Apr 13, 10:15:18am PST

IRC API live demo was funny. Someone from the audience tapped in.

MIX11 Live IRC Demo Audience Participation

Wed, Apr 13, 10:11:55am PST

New local SQL database looks like it will save tons of code.

Wed, Apr 13, 10:07:32am PST

Looks like they added some great performance increases in Mango, from memory management to garbage collection.

Wed, Apr 13, 10:02:28am PST

Performance and memory profiler for Win Phone apps looks really good, nice charts and details.

Performance and Memory Usage Tool for Windows Phone

Wed, Apr 13, 9:56:57am PST

Emulator also lets you simulate multiple locations at once in location based apps.

Wed, Apr 13, 9:54:42am PST

Emulator lets devs easily test accelerometer. Yay!

Wed, Apr 13, 9:52:31am PST

Scot Guthrie now on stage to talk more about dev tools.

Wed, Apr 13, 9:52:07am PST

“Waiting on delivery of unicorn tears” to get the dev tools out, but they’re be available next month.

Wed, Apr 13, 9:38:08am PST

Love that they’re so supportive of partnering with Skype.

Wed, Apr 13, 9:35:19am PST

Impressive speed increase with rendering thanks to hardware acceleration.

Mango Speed Demo

Wed, Apr 13, 9:31:57am PST

Background audio support for HTML5 audio in the Win Phone7.

Wed, Apr 13, 9:30:07am PST

Mango will include support for IE9. The core is the same codebase as on the PC.

Wed, Apr 13, 9:24:29am PST

Purchase / install process has been streamlined, especially for free apps.

Wed, Apr 13, 9:23:06am PST

App search looks remarkably like iPhone’s, but it’s cool that the same search covers the app store as well. mix11 keynote

Wed, Apr 13, 9:17:06am PST

Marco Argenti, Head of Developer Experience, now on stage. mix11 keynote

Wed, Apr 13, 9:15:56am PST

IDC and Gardener suggested that by 2015 the Win Phone7 will be the 2nd largest platform. mix11 keynote

Wed, Apr 13, 9:14:19am PST

Significant update, codename “Mango”, coming in the Fall. mix11

Wed, Apr 13, 9:12:40am PST

A current goal of theirs is to get better at testing and communicating about updates. mix11 keynote

Wed, Apr 13, 9:09:03am PST

Why are the Win Phone7 updates later than expected? The first ones broke the phone entirely. mix11

Wed, Apr 13, 9:07:40am PST

(Despite testing before I got here, my blog’s liveblogging feature seems to have broken. Will fix after the keynote.)

Wed, Apr 13, 9:06:39am PST

Brandon’s video:

Wed, Apr 13, 9:05:07am PST

Joe Delphiore introducing @brandonfoy who made the pre-show video.

Wed, Apr 13, 8:58:00am PST

Enjoying the DJ doing the pre-show here at MIX11, though he has a bit more energy than I do at this point. ;)

MIX11 Keynote DJ

Fri, Apr 1, 3:12:35pm PST

ThinkGeek Behind the Scenes Video

ThinkGeek posted a montage behind-the-scenes video of their April Fools shenanigans. They even got a write-up in Time (beware’s popups).

Fri, Apr 1, 2:31:40pm PST

Electronic Frontier Foundation Fake Newsletter

The EFF is one of my favorite organizations, protecting digital rights many of us don’t even realize are being threatened. Today, they published a phoney version of their EFFector newsletter for April Fool’s day. Article titles are things like, “FBI Demands Back Door Into Your House” and “Earn a College Degree in Facebook Privacy Settings”.

“The Kitten Internet Protection Act of 2008 (KIPA) was passed… In the district court, EFF successfully argued that the law unduly restricted websites, and that supervision of online activities was best left to Ceiling Cat, not the government.”

EFFector: April Fool's Edition

Fri, Apr 1, 2:14:33pm PST Visitor Graph

See a spike in your hosted blog? Don’t fall for it! April Fool's Joke

Fri, Apr 1, 1:44:00pm PST

Yelp: Nationwide Puppy Rentals

Get a new puppy delivered to your door every month — and the old one picked up — with Forever Young puppy rentals. Be sure to read the reviews.

“Forever Young cannot guarantee affection level of puppies, thus cannot guarantee nuzzles.”

Yelp National: Puppy Rentals

Fri, Apr 1, 1:36:11pm PST

Kodak Relationshiffft

Last year, they introduced Aromaphotography; this year, it’s automatic ex-removal. “The three “f”’s in Relationshiffft stand for ‘Friends, Fans, and Followers’ – we take care of them all.” Using their “dodecahedron-surfaced (that’s 12) pixel technology”, every photo captures enough info to fill in the background perfectly after deleting that “no-longer-special person” — or put them back after the make-up!

Kodak Relationshiffft

Fri, Apr 1, 1:28:56pm PST

Google Pig Latin Voice Search

Haven’t you always wanted to do Pig Latin voice searches? oogle-Gay oice-Vay in-ay action-ay:

Fri, Apr 1, 1:22:31pm PST

Google Body: Cow

I just discovered Google’s amazing educational tool, Google Body, the other day. For today’s prank, they’ve turned it from human to… cow.

Google Body, Cow Edition

Fri, Apr 1, 1:15:28pm PST

Google Helvetica

Google is really having fun with Comic Sans. Just type “Helvetica” into a Google search and watch what happens.

Google Helvetica Search Results

Fri, Apr 1, 1:10:53pm PST

Google Adwords Goes Retro

They’re “bringing smart and sexy back” with retro upgrades for the Google Adwords advertising platform. “Punch the Monkey,” “LOLcat”, “Dancing .gif”, “Pop ups galore”, and more.

Google Adwords Retro Popups

Fri, Apr 1, 1:05:23pm PST

Starbucks Mobile Pour

Starbucks is putting “two scooter baristas per every square mile” to deliver your coffee right to you with its new Mobile Pour app.

Starbucks Mobile Pour

Fri, Apr 1, 12:46:58pm PST

3D Grooveshark

“A journey to the center of your face” old-school 3D styling on Grooveshark.

3D Grooveshark


Fri, Apr 1, 12:39:58pm PST

Google Advertises for a Human Autocompleter

It’s not an algorithm that gives those autocomplete suggestions, or the spell-check either, for that matter! See their advertisement here. “I go through a keyboard about every eight days,” says Autocompleter Michael Taylor.

I think my favorite part is this comment:

Google Autocomplete YouTube Comment

Fri, Apr 1, 12:30:47pm PST

Groupon Patents April Fool’s Day:

The daily coupon website is taking charge of April Fool’s. Be sure to check out their legal documents demanding a cease and desist of unauthorized use of its “Jocular System and Method” from this year’s violators.

Groupon Patents April Fool's Day 2011

Fri, Apr 1, 12:13:13pm PST

Google Chrome: Comic Sans for Everyone!

Google decided to have a little fun with designers this year using our old nemesis: Comic Sans. The humble font was designed for comic book use, but has since made its way into everything from warning signs to hospital safety memos. My favorite thing about the spoof announcement? The line in bold is set to blink.

Google Chrome: Comic Sans for Everyone!

Fri, Apr 1, 12:06:55pm PST

Mozilla Firefox “Do Not Fool”

Inspired by “Do Not Track”, “Do Not Fool” lets users be “curmudgeons” and opt out of being tricked.

Firefox Do Not Fool Enabled

Fri, Apr 1, 11:56:40am PST

Gmail Motion

Free your body from the constraints of an old fashioned keyboard and mouse with Gmail Motion!

Fri, Apr 1, 1:29:54am PST

Bonsai Kitty from ThinkGeek:

Bonsai Kitty Plush, by ThinkGeek

Fri, Apr 1, 1:18:01am PST


Oh ThinkGeek, how I love thine April Fool’s jokes! This nerd’s haven of bacon, caffeine, and science has made it a tradition since 2001 to offer zany fake products on April Fool’s Day, many of which eventually become real items. This year is no different, so don’t forget to click the Order button on one of the fake products so you can vote for which crazy items you want to see made real.

A couple of my favorites:

Three ThinkGeek April Fool's Gags

Be sure to check out all 11 items as well as their hilarious descriptions and videos on ThinkGeek’s home page.

Fri, Apr 1, 12:37:42am PST

YouTube: 1911

YouTube has gotten in on the April Fool’s fun, as well! They’ve taken some modern Internet Memes and changed them around just a bit.

Based on these videos:

Fri, Apr 1, 12:21:15am PST

Woot.comWoot April Fool's Joke, 2011: Crapshoot Game

Flying Spaghetti Monster and Double Rainbow, a la Woot“Speed up our servers? We’d rather slow down our customers!” is apparently even more evil than I thought. This deal-a-day website has built a personality around a sardonic, detached humor, and in honor of the day they’ve taken things to the next level.

One of their recurring items, usually only seen during “Woot-offs”, is a “Bag of Crap”, a brown paper bag that can be purchased for a dollar which can contain anything from a chewed off pencil to a plasma TV. There is always a mad rush to get one of these coveted bags before they sell out, and it almost always results in at least one server crash.

Killed by a Zombie RatFor April Fool’s Day, Woot was not only offering a Bag of Crap, but a novel new way to get one: customers had to beat their side-scrolling “Crapshoot” game before they were allowed to order one. To get the level one bag, players only had to beat level one, but once all were sold out they had to get levels one and two… and you see where this is going, all the way up to level 10.

The real clincher is in the fact that the game is deliberately broken and frequently provides no-win situations that require the player to restart, all the way back at level one.

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