Ready Designs

4 8-bit dragons in a line

Odd Coupon Design Placement?

Good Design Bad Design

March 2nd, 2011

Challenge Butter Coupons

Does the coupon ribbon strike anyone else as odd advertising placement?

What do coupons have to do with growth hormones? In this case, nothing, and it actually made me bark a little laugh when I saw them linked so closely together. It was as if the coupons were somehow to get me hormone-free butter (or cows) as opposed to what was actually in the box — like a mail-in cereal box prize. Keep Reading

GDBD: The AllRecipes Cross-Platform Ecosystem

Good Design Bad Design, Web Design

February 22nd, 2011

First, let me just say that I hate cooking. There’s work on either end, usually while hungry on the one side and lazy on the other. To me, the only thing worse than cooking is all the dishes you have to do afterwards. Anyway, I’ve found the AllRecipes apps are so well designed, the geek in me is soothed enough to make the cooking experience much more pleasant; almost, dare I say it, enjoyable.

AllRecipes iPad Splash Screen

The Verdict: Good Design!

The Takeaways:

  1. Designing for the total user experience is more relevant than ever with cross-platform applications, and doing a good job at this makes both Web and smartphone applications stand out above the competition.
  2. Excellent cross-platform functionality makes other design flaws easier to forgive.
  3. Leveraging communities brings additional value to information which could otherwise be found elsewhere.

The Details

AllRecipes has done a fantastic job of integrating their website, which clearly came first, with their iPad and iPhone apps. Keep Reading

GDBD: Bamboo Cat Grooming Glove

Good Design Bad Design

January 22nd, 2011

Good Design, Bad Design: Bamboo Cat Grooming Glove

The Verdict: Good Design!

The Takeaway: As designers, we need to remember to go beyond the basics and think about the total user experience to always optimize, optimize, optimize!

The Details: The Bamboo Cat Grooming Glove is a rubbery cat accessory designed to work for both wet and dry grooming. It has two depths of bumpy rubber knobs on the “brush” side and a fuzzy cloth patch on the other for picking up loose fur.

The Bamboo Brand Cat Grooming Glove

This product impressed me enough to write about it for one primary reason: Inside the glove attached to each side is a strap for holding smaller hands in place. This means the product designers thought about the needs of their entire user base, instead of just making assumptions based on their own or “average” hand sizes, or making multiple products for various users. Keep Reading

GDBD: Good Design, Bad Design

Good Design Bad Design

January 22nd, 2011

Ok, so I’m a designer, right? I go through my day and I see all kinds of little things that either drive me crazy or impress me with their design — and as an effort to get more in the designer headspace, I’m trying to notice them even more. Unfortunately, sometimes my husband just doesn’t get it when I start analyzing the layout of a billboard or crooning over the ergonomic rubber grip of a new kitchen utensil. Rather than boring him with all the gory details, I’ve decided to do a new little now-and-again segment here called “Good Design, Bad Design” (GDBD for short), in which I look at products, software, or whatever strikes my fancy and point out how awesome they are, or how much they suck and why.

I’m not trying to minimize the effort put in by the various product designers and UI experts out there, nor am I presuming my stamp of approval on their awesomeness means diddly squat. But just like a painter sees the world through a lens of composition and color palettes and a photographer starts thinking often of depth-of-field and lighting, as a designer, I’ve started seeing the world in terms of usability, aesthetics, and problem solving, and doing so helps me to do my own job better.

So, without further ado, I’ll get on to work on my first post in the GDBD series…

Happy Folks

    • Roxanne is an extremely talented programmer. She is able to take an extremely complex storyboard and turn it into a beautiful website. There is no project too big or too small that she can't handle.

      Rachael Masek, UWF Webspinners

    • Roxanne Rocks! Super quick turnaround, amazing communication and a pleasure to work with. She's the best and I highly recommend her for your website/design needs

      Andrea Morelli, Impetuous Style

    • I would hire Roxanne for another project anytime I have one and feel confident she would do a tremendous job.

      Rachael Masek, UWF Webspinners

    • When a concern comes up that she knows about, she's usually suggesting solutions before I even come to her to discuss the problem.

      William Kammer, BDI

    • Roxanne shows her skills in social media everyday by managing numerous accounts and keeping them updated to attract traffic. She's capable of creating an online presence and keeping it within the tone and attitude the company desires.

      William Kammer, BDI

    • [Roxanne] brings along creativity, pro-activeness, enthousiasm, a high level of skill and she will think outside of boxes. She's also a quick learner and a very pleasant person to work with.

      Annelies Draaijer, Raglan Shire

    • Roxanne will grasp the bigger picture of any job and is one of those rare species that combines technical skill, creativity and functionality.

      Annelies Draaijer, Raglan Shire

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